The title of the post says it all, doesn't it folks?
Throughout my quarter of a century plus on this rock we call Earth I've started so many projects and then abruptly quit them that I figured I'd condemn this particular one to a similar fate from the get-go, but maybe she'll hold water, who knows.
Consider this particular post a declaration of intention of sorts. Every day while I'm dicking off at work and not doing what I'm supposedly being paid for, I'm usually nose deep in a laptop rattling out my thoughts on just about everything into a word document that I never intend to allow to see the light of day. As such, you can imagine that that particular file is about as debased and profaned as the search history on a 13 year old kid's web browser. It really is that rife with immaturity and dirty, awful thoughts. It's also chocked full of more useful nuggets and gems of wisdom that I'd like to share with you fine people, and that's what I intended to deliver hear via distillation and dilution so that most of the impurities have been removed. Don't worry, I wouldn't want to omit any of the more hilarious and embarrassing details of my life and deprive you folks of some quality entertainment, so you can also expect some crass toilet humor and plenty of dick jokes to supplement the more serious topics. I'm going to cover anything and everything I feel like writing about, and because my life is so boring and inane this is likely to become a sister blog of sorts to my band's conceptual blog that doesn't quite exist yet. You'll be supplied with plenty of links when the time comes. And what the hell is the name all about? Sturnella Neglected!? Well, that's a play on words of the scientific name of the Kansas state bird, Sturnella Neglecta. I know, I'm not nearly as clever as my mother told me I am. If you can name the Kansas state bird I'll give you a prize, or a kiss, or something...
Speaking of kisses and stuff, I guess that the recently re-spotlighted issue of marriage equality is as good a topic as any to hoist these sails to. I honestly didn't know that the debate had been brought up again, or that DOMA itself was being taken to task by no judicial body less than the Supreme Court until I noticed that just about every last one of my facebook friends had a red equals sign for their profile pic. I was moved really because it seemed to me that only five years ago I was living in some shit-hole backwater where I had to defend my gay friends, often times nearly with fists, and now just about everyone I know supports them having the right to marry the ones that they love just like a straight couple. Now, this could bring into question the whole marriage vs. love debate, but having never been married I really have no business commentating on that. Ahem... I digress... The very fact that the Supreme Court seems to be leaning towards overturning DOMA and allowing anyone to marry anyone else regardless of gender speaks volumes about the era we're living in. I'll never get all, "America, fuck yeah!", for real on you guys, but I kinda' feel like it at the moment! My country, after causing me so much grief during the Bush administration when I was coming into my social consciousness, seems to have started to get its shit together. We may only be crawling towards the direction of progress, but at least we're moving. Maybe my conceptual children, or their conceptual-ceptual children will live in a world where race, gender, and sexual orientation don't mean a damned thing. One can only hope.
As a complete aside, I'll be appearing on a radio show tonight. That's exciting, I guess. I've never been inside of a radio studio before or had to follow so many rules or regulations regarding the words that come out of my mouth. See this;, for an example of my last recorded interview. This time I'm going to make it a point to stay sober which could make or break the whole ordeal.
Cheers! And wish me luck!
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