Monday, February 2, 2015

February 2nd: Chapbooks and Shit

First things first, I apologize to anyone who may have read that last post.  That thing was written in total haste and didn't make a whole hell of a lot of sense when I read back over it.  It's been revised now, so hopefully it's a bit more palatable. 

The second item on the list is another apology; I did indeed have the tour diary on here after all, and not just the one that I rewrote a few days ago.  It is actually located on it's own page which is titled "Tour Diary", so if you can navigate to it (I can't fucking figure that part out myself) you are welcome to read a more contemporary account of a few of those days on tour.  It's illustrated too.  There are plenty of pictures of scenery and TJ for your enjoyment, so by all means go forth and... enjoy.

Now that the first two items on the agenda have been taken care of, allow me to move on.  Recently I've been getting into podcasts.  I'm painfully aware of how much of a walking anachronism I am because most of you have already been listening to podcasts for years, no doubt.  At any rate, the whole craze started when Jake put on some Hardcore History a la Dan Carlin while we were driving back home from St. Louis last Sunday.  We listened to a multi part series on the Mongols, which I found to be engrossing.  We were only able to get about 2 1/2 of the episodes in before arriving at home, so I quenched my thirst by downloading the Podkicker app on my phone and finishing what we'd started.  Ever since I've been hunting for other podcasts to keep me from braining myself or any of my coworkers here at the old typesetting desk, so if you have any suggestions, please post a comment!

I'll be honest here.  I've got nothing particularly pertinent to discuss today, but seeing as it's the first Monday of February, I feel obliged to write something.  Here goes nothin'.

I received a text about an hour ago from my lovely girlfriend, Christina.  She was letting me know that I got a package in the mail from my old friend, Robert.  Robert and I have been corresponding via email lately.  I hunted him down through his blog after losing his phone number when I finally had about all that I could take of my old phone (I wanted an excuse to get a new one, so I punched the old one repeatedly until it stopped working).  There was an interesting blurb about him, the author.  Little did I know, because he never brought it up, but he self published a book of poetry.  I asked him about it, and for the price of a beer next time he's in Lawrence, KS, he told me he'd send me a copy.  Robert is a hilarious dude and one hell of a restless traveler, so I am raring to tear into that poetry book.  I'll probably rip into it tonight and base a little bit of my next post on it as a sort of review in progress.

Knowing a published poet has inspired me to start collecting all of the loose poems I've penned over the years.  I'm intending to take the time soon to self publish a chap book of my own.  I've rounded up about 20 or so poems for that purpose.  This is in the midst of working on the first draft of that novel I mentioned in earlier posts, trying to shop out some short stories to online publications, and the never ending song writing process, so I'll have to keep ya'll posted on this.  It might be a while.  To tide anyone over who may be interested, here's a link to my writerscafe profile where a few of my poems (more to come, I promise!) can presently be found;

Now before I leave to continue my adventures in typesetting, I'd like to leave you all with an inspirational image:

That's right.  This blog is illustrated now!  And yes, that's TJ whoopin' ass at Guitar Hero.  You only wish you were that fuckin' cool!

G'night, folks!

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